Most casino’s in Las Vegas will provide you free drinks (to adults over the age of 21) as long as you keep playing the slots, video games, sports, or any of the of dealer and gaming tables. Too many drinks will result in a hangover. The culprit is the chemical reaction alcohol, its resultant toxins, compiled by dehydration, have on the body.
Delve into the inner-sanctum of one of the most popular places on Earth - Las Vegas. Find the inside dirty stories and secrets from an inside view. Ten years as a Las Vegas cocktail server can clue you in.Some beverages are more likely to make you sick than others if you overindulge. Wines and liquors contain congeners, which are complex organic molecules (impurities) that are a byproduct of fermentation, distillation and the manufacturing process. They also impart flavor and aroma. Congeners, in general terms, includes byproduct substances such as methanol, ethanol, and acetone for example. A higher concentration of congeners in a beverage will increase the likelihood of a more severe hangover.
The largest amounts are found in red wine and dark liquors such as bourbon, brandy, whisky and tequila. Clear liquors and white wines contain less congeners. Thus, liquors such as light rum, vodka and gin are considered to cause a less severe hangover by comparison.
Wine also contains sulfites. This chemical is often added as a preservative against spoilage and oxidation. They also occur naturally in most wines. Sulfites is also known to cause severe headaches in some people. In general, the cheaper wines have more congeners. It’s often better for you to drink less of a better quality of wine.
Find your signature cocktail. Modern hip sips.It takes time to recover from a hangover and varies in degrees by individual. It is best to stay with one drink type for the night. Mixing drinks will expose you to more variety of congeners that your body will have to deal with. This can lead to more severe hangover symptoms.
The following seven alcoholic beverages are touted to cause the worst hangover symptoms, according to the British Medical Journal. They are listed in order of the worst to least. Brandy is top of the list of offenders.
1. Brandy
2. Red wine
3. Rum
4. Whiskey
5. White wine
6. Gin
7. Vodka
Anyone who has had a hangover knows how miserable it is. There are many supposed remedies to soothe the pain of one. One of the most popular remedy is called “hair of the dog.” This is drinking a little bit of alcohol when you wake up (or come to). While it may seem to ease the symptoms, it actually delays the inevitable. The effects of the alcohol will actually take you longer to recover from it.
There are some remedies that do have scientific fact behind them, and may offer some relief. Following is the list of some majors and the reasons why they work.
(The information provided here is to give you general information only - not medical expert advice. This posting is not written by a doctor, but offers tips I’ve found helpful, and may provide information to help you research further if you are interested.) Fried or Fatty Foods:
Eating it the day after a night of heavy drinking is too late to do you much good. In fact, it may irritate the stomach more and cause you to spend some uncomfortable time in the bathroom. But, eating it before drinking, actually does have some prevention benefits. Fried or fatty foods take longer to digest and will coat the stomach longer, reducing the absorption of alcohol.
Having a good breakfast after a night of partying will help to replenish the body from all the damage its been put through. Eggs contain a substance called cysteine. This substance helps break down the hangover-causing toxins in the liver caused by drinking.
Eating bananas the morning after a night of drinking replenishes the body with much needed potassium, lost from drinking. Other potassium-rich foods are dried fruits, potatoes, unsalted nuts, or drinking a sports drink can do some good. Try the famous Elvis sandwich favorite, made with sliced banana and peanut butter. It’s a taste treat that can help you feel better too (as long as you don’t have a peanut allergy).
Drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage will help dilute the toxins in the stomach. It will also help slow down drinking, giving the body more time to deal with the alcohol. Drink a few glasses of water before going to bed will help too. Replenishing the body with lots of water the next morning will help combat dehydration. (The body, generally, can process about three-quarters of an ounce of alcohol in an hour).
Fruit Juice:
The fruit sugar in juice helps to naturally increase the body’s energy level. It also helps increase the rate which the body gets rid of the toxins left over by the alcohol. Fruit juice is also high in vitamins and nutrients that were depleted by drinking. Vitamin supplements such as Vitamins high in C and B can be helpful as well.
A bouillon soup contains some vitamins and nutrients that can help ease the punch. It will also help to hydrate you. Soup with lots of goodies like vegetables or meat is even better.
Warm or Hot Bath:
This will help you sweat and release some of the toxins that are making you ill. Just not too hot that you become weak or dizzy. Go to the hotel’s Spa for some relaxation and relief. The Spa staff will be happy to formulate a plan to get you back on track.
Certain over-the-counter painkillers are more effective for easing the hangover than others. But beware, acetaminophen with prolonged alcohol use, has shown to cause liver damage. If your stomach is not sensitive, you might try aspirin for the headache and relief of aches associated with drinking. Make sure you eat something if you do. Taking aspirin, or any medication, on an empty stomach can cause more problems.
Over-the-Counter Hangover Cures:
The only medically proven ones to work are those that are carbon based. This means it contains an activated charcoal. The effect of filtering qualities of carbon reduce the impurities the body has to process on its own. While they are not miracle cures, they offer some help but must be taken before you start drinking. Some so called miracle cures simply contain vitamins and minerals. In that case, you’ll likely be just as well taking a vitamin with a large glass of water instead of spending your money on any of those expensive claims.
General Remedies:
Some of the popular myths are the hair of the dog. Drinking more alcohol only creates more toxins in the already congested body.
Eating burnt toast does not offer any special benefits because it's charred. Eat it burnt only if you like it that way.
Ever peel a beer label and declare, 'I drink, therefore I am'?Drinking coffee does not reduce the toxin effect of alcohol. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant. It may wake the person up, but it won’t sober him up. Caffeine tends to dehydrate rather than hydrate. Better to drink water, juice or a sports drink until you start to feel better.
Neither will a cold shower do much good. In fact, it may have adverse serious affects. Alcohol reduces the body’s temperature and so does a cold shower. Too much of a temperature drop can be harmful. Also, it is dangerous for a drunk person to go stumbling about on a wet floor.
A hot bath or shower may be good. Not too hot that you pass out, however. Warmth will open the pores and help release toxins out of the body. Exercising to ‘sweat it out’ may make you feel better or simply just plain tired. A relaxing way to release some of the toxins is at the hotel Spa. Remember, you are on vacation in Las Vegas. Take a break for the day and be good to yourself. You deserve it.
I hope they serve beer in Hell. I'll miss it if they don't.Antacid Tablets or Liquid:
Calcium Carbonate is an antacid that helps to treat the symptoms of heartburn and acid indigestion. Antacids may not help with the nausea, but will help alleviate some of the symptoms of a sour and irritated stomach.
It will take some people hours to get over a hangover, and some it may take days. Consider the quality time you will be sacrificing on your much needed vacation before you overindulge.
Before Drinking:
Eat - a balanced meal is preferable
Drink at least one big glass of water
Take multivitamins (especially B and C)
While Drinking:
Drink in moderation (one drink per hour limit)
Take it slow. Pace yourself. Drinking is not a contest of speed.
Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage to keep you hydrated.
Choose your drink carefully and stay with one type of drink. Mixing drink types exposes you to more variety of congeners and resultant toxins for your body to deal with. Drinking too much of a sweet sugary beverage with liquor is almost guaranteed to make you vomit.
Beer has the lowest percentage of alcohol. However, It is carbonated which speeds of absorption and toxin build-up in the body.
Wine has a higher percentage of alcohol than beer but is usually not carbonated. Choosing a high quality white wine reduces your hangover risk. It will likely contain less toxin causing elements.
Liquor has the highest alcohol content and increases your hangover risk. Choose more expensive clear liquors to reduce your hangover risk. Expensive liquors are usually filtered more and thus contain less toxin causing elements.
After Drinking and Before Bed (Ask your doctor):
Take two aspirin with a full glass of water to decrease morning hangover symptoms. Especially if you are on any other medication, always ask your doctor first. If you have gone way overboard in drinking, you are best to not take any aspirin. Just drink lots of water and eat something light until you feel better.
In the Morning:
Take two more aspirin with a full glass of water unless you have a sensitive stomach. Or, taking a couple antacid tablets or liquid can soothe the upset stomach. Ask the pharmacist for recommendations. If you are currently on medication, ask your doctor.
Consider taking a multivitamin (particularly B and C)
Eat breakfast - A meal that includes eggs, a banana, and fruit juice can help get you back on track. Beverages containing caffeine will further dehydrate a drinker, such as soda, coffee and tea. Stay with juice and water until you start to feel better.
If you can still pull a bar trick off successfully, you may still be in the game. If not, cash in your chips and stop drinking. Do not make any major decisions or drive. Your judgment is still impaired. Hold off until you feel back to normal.
Naturally, the best way to beat a hangover is to not drink. But, drinking alcoholic beverages is a popular choice for many people on vacation. Be careful when you do. You’ve worked hard for your vacation. Spend your time enjoying it, not recovering from it.
Here’s a list of hangover symptoms.
> Fatigue - due to a drop in blood sugar, namely.
> Thirst
> Headaches and muscle aches
> Nausea, vomiting or stomach pain
> Anxiety, a feeling of agitation, or other mood disturbances such as depression
> Poor or decreased sleep
> Sensitivity to light and sound
> Dizziness or a sense of the room spinning
> Fuzzy head or just feeling “out of it”
> Rapid heartbeat
> Shakiness
> Sweating
> Decreased ability to concentrate
Alcoholic beverages are fattening too. A beer usually contains about 150 calories. A margarita over 320, with the creamy drinks topping the scale. A mudslide tops in at about 820 calories (they are yummie though, shame yummie is fattening too often).
The basic calorie count presented here are only a guideline for general information and comparison:
5 oz. wine (105 calories)
8 oz. Wine (average glass) (about 190 calories)
Light beer (96 calories to 110)
12 oz. beer (150 calories)
1½ oz. 80 proof spirits (100 calories)
Kir Royale (6 oz) = 150 calories
Bloody Mary (4.6 oz) = 120 calories
Martini (2 oz) = 119 calories
Grasshopper (4 oz) = 395 calories
Cosmopolitan (2.5 oz) = 131 calories
Spiked Eggnog (8 oz) = 403 calories
Chocolatini (3.5 oz) = 346 calories
Margarita (6.3 oz) = 327 calories
Caloric content will vary by recipe. Beverage serving size is based on a standard average size.)Drinking responsibly is enjoyable for many people. Know your limits and stick to them. You’re in charge of yourself. Have fun in Las Vegas. Take home good memories.
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